Cloudlets, powered by Jelastic, is the fastest and easiest platform for web app hosting. It's never been so easy to create, deploy and scale your PHP (for WordPress, Magento etc.), JAVA, Node.JS, Ruby, Python, Go or Docker and Kubernetes containers.
Learn how to boost your apps performance and resiliency, saving hosting costs and time!
Make your applications always available due to automated vertical scaling: Cloudlets hosting platform adds or removes hosting resources to your container according to your app’s current demands.
Handle traffic load spikes with automated horizontal scaling: your clustered containers will be scaled up or down, according to the incoming load, ensuring even in unexpected peak traffic events your projects are available and delivered.
So to make that car move, you need an engine and that’s basically the server infrastructure. At AWS, to create that engine, you need to configure the optimal application stack from over 70 different services. This is not something developers have to do, they are not engine guys.
Being a developer you don’t have to be an expert in configuring services for optimal performance. If you don’t have an operations expert there’s no real and easy way to make Amazon work.
This alone is enough to try the Cloudlets, the hosting platform in Australia that is powered by Jelastic. Moreover, consider the amount of money that Cloudlets can save: just click the button below to check out the real case pricing comparison.
Applications around the world are powered by the Jelastic PaaS Platform
Data Centers around the world run the Jelastic PaaS Platform. Cloudlets is Australia's home for Jelastic.
Languages supported including JAVA, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python & Go. Plus Docker and Kubernetes.
The number of applications and environments available for one-click installation in the marketplace.
You can publish an application you have in any of the supported languages (PHP, JAVA, Node.js, Ruby, Python or Go), or start with a default installation of common applications (such as a regular wordpress or magento).
Enter your email address and start your trial. This will provide you access to the Cloudlets PaaS dashboard where you have access to manually configure and launch an application, as well as the PaaS one-click marketplace.
The marketplace in the Cloudlets dashboard provides you one-click solutions for many applications and environments, including regular and fully clustered high availability configurations.
Whether you choose to configure your environment manually or a one-click installation, you will find the perfect setup for your application. With a one-click install your application will also be installed, or alternatively you will upload your application or configure retrieval from GIT/SVN.
Now your application is up and running you should set your limitations, this includes setting a base minimum resource level (resources you pay at a discounted rate), and a scalable maximum (amount of resources you are happy for us to scale to if required to keep your application running to maximum capability).
You can also modify your environment to add or remove clustered components and high availability.