Cloudlets recommends the use of Office 365 or G-Suite for business email where it is cost effective to do so. For low-user businesses it provides the easiest and most cost-effective method - particularly Office 365 if you require Office for your staff. However, when a number of users are required it can be more effective to run your own mail server, and in that case we have you covered as well.
Office 365
Office 365 provides two versions with business grade email which are outlined below. We recommend you order directly with Office 365 and can of course help you with the DNS configuration for your domain to get your email accounts up and running. To order Office 365 please click here.
G-Suite Business Email
G-Suite basic is sufficient for most businesses. We recommend you order directly with Google and can of course help you with the DNS configuration for your domain to get your email accounts up and running. To order G-Suite please click here.
MailU hosted at Cloudlets
MailU can be found in the Cloudlets Marketplace in the 'Project Management' section. It's a fully featured webmail and IMAP server which includes the ability to import email from an existing email server. We can of course help with any DNS configuration to get you started using MailU. It has in-built AntiSPAM, enforced TLS, unlimited email accounts and multiple domains can be hosted with a single instance.
The cost of MailU varies depending how many resources you give the environment and how busy it is, but a normal installation is likely to cost up to a maximum of $37.30 + GST per month (with a max level set at 8 cloudlets). You can of course increase resources if you have high load and this increases your maximum cost. With all Cloudlets installations you only pay for resources that are in actual use, so generally pay well below the 'maximum' cost per month.
You also pay a small cost for bandwidth above 73GB a month of $0.045 per GB (calculated hourly).
Lastly, if you exceed 10GB of disk space there is a small per GB cost of $0.163 monthly.
By our calculations a MailU installation becomes cost effective if you have 6 or more users and do not require Microsoft Office.
To get started simply click the button below:
Free Trial
On top of our free migration service we also provide a 14-day free trial. This means you can properly test your MailU application on Cloudlets without spending a cent. We are certain you will be so impressed you will become a loyal customer for years to come.
The team at cloudlets are ready to help you with any advice you may need in setting up and configuring your environment. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our mission is to provide you with a service that not only outperforms competitors but costs you less.